When You’re a Rebelle

Note: rebels and rebelles are welcome here! I will use both terms.

Do you feel like your writing life has stalled or hasn’t even begun yet? Do you need a kick in the pants or a good plan to help you see the way through the mire of publishing and writing? I can help with the following writing/publishing problems and more!

  • Yearning to write a book or story but not knowing where to get started.
  • Procrastinating for reasons you are unsure of or quitting halfway through a writing project.
  • Sitting on books, stories, or other artistic projects because you don’t know what to do next.
  • Wanting someone who will cut through the BS and shoot straight with you about your greatest strengths in terms of writing and publishing and what is holding you back.
  • Lacking focus or a plan for how to write or publish.
  • Not knowing how to delegate tedious tasks.
  • Thinking you need a perfect website or marketing plan to begin.

If so, you are dealing with your inner rebelle–or rebel for the guys! She or he knows there is more you could be doing. The truth is, there are few people who are willing to help you figure out how to access your deepest drives, fears, and dreams in order to make a plan of action and reach your writing and publishing goals. Your rebelle is screaming inside of you, waiting to be heard, to be let out to be a force for good in the world. Perhaps you have been waiting for permission to begin; you don’t need to. The big “okay” is within you. The voice that is urging you to write and to share your writing with the world is permission enough. The first step is simply to say yes, I want to. Then, I will. You can be and do more than you ever imagined. Start now; I can show you how.  ❤ The Rebelle